Open Call


On Transversality in Practice and Research: TECHNE student-led online conference 2020

The online conference ‘On Transversality in Practice and Research’ will analyse various aspects related to the theme of ‘transversality’ from anti-racist, decolonial, feminist, and queer methodological perspectives. Funded by TECHNE and organised by TECHNE students, the conference will take place online between 9–11 December 2020.

We are looking for contributions (short presentations, workshop proposals, conversations, performative lectures, spoken word poetry, artworks, performances, films) that will expand upon the following perspectives (the list is not exhaustive):

  • Interdisciplinary: how research and practices cut across disciplines in order to formulate productive and radical synergies.
  • Intersectionality: situating one’s research/practice and identity within specific dynamics of power and oppression in order to critically analyse and/or subvert them.
  • Transnationalism: challenging the segregation of knowledges from geographic-specific ‘area studies’ into dynamic cross-cultural and border-crossing formations and hybridisations.
  • Coalitionality: utilising non-antagonistic strategies in order to build up networks of solidarity and resistance.
  • Decentralisation: shifting from the hegemonic towards the marginal, both geographically, politically and culturally.
  • Nomadism: from a philosophical perspective, a non-essentialist notion of subjectivity; cartographically and politically, refusing a fixed residency.
  • Translation: interpreting languages and cultures, with particular attention towards care, affect and activism as motivating forces.

We will be assembling panels and groupings of presentations according to affinities that emerge from the open call. A very rough and flexible guideline for presentations is 10–15 minutes. Timings for artistic and participatory formats can vary.

Presentations can be made in languages other than English. In this case, please indicate in your proposal which language you would like to conduct your presentation in, and we will discuss translation requirements.

Payment note: We have some budget to offer fees for unfunded students and independent researchers, artists, filmmakers, or freelancers who wish to present as part of this conference. If you fall within any of these categories, please indicate that in the ‘Further Notes’ section of the form.

Please fill in the Google Form at the following link by Monday, 5 October 2020:

We will aim to get back to everyone as soon as possible, within a couple of weeks after the deadline.

For further information please email

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